Category: Privacy & Data Protection


ISO 27701, the new kid on the block. Why Privacy Information Management Systems (PIMS) will gain importance in the near future.

Organizations processing personal data often face self-assessments, vendor checklists or even on-site audits to ensure their corporate clients they are implementing adequate technical and organizational measures to guarantee secure processing of personal data. Demonstrating compliance with applicable data protection legislation has become a main topic in commercial contract negotiations. Such vendor assessments occupy internal resources…
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Validity of the Standard Contractual Clauses confirmed, uncertainty about the EU-US Privacy Shield

On December 19th 2019, the Advocate General issued his opinion in the high-profile case Schrems 2.0. The Advocate General’s opinion as such is non-binding, but is nevertheless trendsetting for the Court of Justice’s final decision. This is why his opinion is of great importance to privacy professionals. 1. International Data Transfers Currently, there are several…
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Belgian Data Protection Authority publishes Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025

On December 12th 2019, the Belgian Data Protection Authority (Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit) published its Strategic Plan 2019-2025, giving insights in its main priorities for the coming years. However the plan is not final yet, it gives a profound view on which topics the Data Protection Authority will focus. 1. Priorities and focus of the Belgian DPA By…
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België legt registerverplichting op voor organisaties die gezondheidsgegevens verwerken

Verwerkingsverantwoordelijken die genetische, biometrische of gezondheidsgegevens verwerken hebben sinds 5 september 2018 de plicht om een bijkomend register bij te houden. Diezelfde verplichting geldt ook voor organisaties die strafrechtelijke gegevens verwerken. 1. Belgische implementatiewet De Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming laat voor lidstaten de mogelijkheid om specifieke onderwerpen zelf verder te reguleren via implementatie wetgeving. België maakte…
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