Legal experts in

Managed Legal Services for technology companies


Technology companies that deliver innovative software solutions often face a rapidly changing legal landscape. We specialize in drafting and negotiating IT agreements for SaaS providers, and we offer guidance on creating effective partnerships and channel strategies within the technology industry.


Privacy has come to stay. Companies processing personal data have to take into account specific regulations. We have cross-sector experience and advice organizations in GDPR implementations and audits.


When negotiating IT contracts, legal support is crucial to mitigate risks to your company. We work closely with your sales, procurement, or business teams to navigate any legal challenges, ensuring a smooth and successful deal closure.

A legal partner with a business mindset

Companies need pragmatic and hands-on legal advice, enabling your organization to do business in a secure way.

Legal experts looking out for your business, without blocking each and every opportunity that comes your way and taking into account your organization’s risk apetite. 


Discover Legal as a Service


Managed Legal Services 

Technology is changing the way we do business. Making organizations more efficient, error-free and streamlined than ever before.

Finally technology has found its way into the legal market, disrupting the way legal service providers offer their expertise. We strongly believe legal firms should embrace technology to become more efficient, transparant and accessible.

Besides using technology to our advantage, we focus on bringing added-value where software cannot replace us. Seeing the bigger picture, investing in human relations, taking into account the organization’s strategy and streamlining legal processes. 


Trusted by

Client Testimonials

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:

Working with SOLIT.LEGAL equals having a trustworthy legal partner. We can count on their legal expertise which is always up to date with the latest evolutions. Their dedicated hands-on approach is much appreciated. 

Tine Venstermans

CFO | Yields

We enjoyed the professional advisory and excellent service from the SOLIT.LEGAL team with the indispensable legal framework when launching our new company: an online art gallery. Strongly recommended! 

Lucas De Dycker

Founder | Forwart

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